Monday, April 29, 2013

Au Revoir! OR Mom's Takin' a Lil' Break

I'm leavin'.  On a jet plane...

My bags are packed (sort of), the kids' schedules have been finalized and distributed (mostly). And tomorrow at 1:30, I'll be headed to Chicago's O'Hare airport where I'll board a 5:30pm flight bound for Paris.  This trip has been 8 months in the making (I first wrote about it here) so you'd think I'd have had ample time to prepare, right?  Well, with three kids, a host of last minute stresses, oh and throw in a few surgeries, it's been pretty tough to pull it all together.

Have you ever planned a weekend away without your kids? A little getaway perhaps with the spouse or the girls?  Moms never just pack up and go. We have to arrange and rearrange and schedule and assure, and write notes, and email teachers... I realized this past week, that, well, I do a LOT! Just on a daily basis.  Good LORD, no wonder I'm so tired!

It's hard for moms to admit, too, that not only do we need a break, but we deserve one, too! We have so much guilt, and if you're Catholic, well, you've got it in spades.

But I digress, with the help of my mom, and my kids' dad, I am, in fact, taking a break. A 10-day break to be exact. I'm not sure if I'll know what to do with myself without all the... stuff.  The homework, the school lunches, meals, play dates, driving to and from wherever. Oh, and the laundry. Good Lord, there's a lot of laundry! Housework and yard work, and whatever else.

I can't imagine having no dishes to clean after dinner - for 10 DAYS straight! No alarm clock to wake me up. No boot camp (although I will be taking my bands, and fitting in workouts because, well, a Shark's a Shark no matter where you put us).

These eight months have flown by! I was going to make time to learn French (at least enough to get by). Instead I downloaded an app yesterday that will teach me the basic phrases (where's' the bathroom; Red wine, please; another round, please...).

So, I'm off.  But I will be writing. And I'll be posting my "American Girl in Paris" blogs as often as possible, so stay tuned!

But first... I'll be hugging my kids a little tighter, staying up a little later tonight just to be together.

Au Revoir!


  1. Beth--I know this will be a trip you will remember forever. France is where I will retire someday, if dreams always come true.


  2. All moms deserve it, yet don't always have the time or resources. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. I am SO excited for you! Paris is awesome and the south of France amazing. The wines....ah....the food....the people....did I mention the wines? You will come home rested and relaxed. Your kids will be fine (but I can't promise to keep your house clean!). We love you lots:)
